This page hosts up-to-date information on my crypto keys.


I use OpenPGP-signed emails and Git commits. All my keys expire 2 years after creation, though I may publish the revocation certificate before the expiration date. I recommend checking periodically with the Ubuntu keyserver ( and the key's page at the PGP archive in case I revoked the key.

See also the PGP key archive

KeyID Created Expiration date Expired/revoked
0AFB427F1800FD89751C4035292228735AE707FF 2023-04-29 2025-04-28 No
11ADE4393600C1BDFFCBC0A598DE15942B08CA00 2023-01-13 2025-01-12 Revoked, passphrase lost

The latest key is also available via Web Key directory.


Here are my SSH keys.

Public key Fingerprint Still used AAAAGnNrLXNzaC1lZDI1NTE5QG9wZW5zc2guY29tAAAAILkdph0uGGdN7UxPSCZObGDJYP7eNL8rlEr3USV8QFjcAAAABHNzaDo= FIDO2 SHA256:St71GhGUsaJeYBeI1ckPc95pE3qkXXpb5u9kMETzJKI Yes, created April 19, 2023. Used exclusively for logging-in to Miraheze's servers over SSH. Pull request that added this key.
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINbnd8D+WQJVrNep2/UWRwErwbQxyGhQgKRvvnD7qWkX SHA256:R9JgcFwobmbm954dT287awvY7wUsd8OMi4asFJwkmMY No as of April 28th 2023, was used a key for signing Git commits and logging-in to Codeberg and GitHub over SSH. If GitHub complains about unverified commits from this key for commits before April 28, it is okay, there's nothing actually wrong.

How to know that a new OpenPGP/SSH key is from me

This site is hosted on a Git repository at Codeberg. As I sign all my commits there, using the OpenPGP above, you can use that signature as a way to know that a new key is from me. Look for the "Signed by: YellowComet" line at the commit on the web interface, or clone the repository, download my OpenPGP key via WKD, and verify the signature locally on your machine.

The new key will be added to the above Git repository in a SIGNED commit, very important to check that the commit that added the key is signed by my OpenPGP key!

Of course, to be 100% sure it is me (as this scheme falls apart if my private keys are compromised), you should verify these keys with me in person.

Copyright 2023 Alex <>. This website is hosted at Codeberg: YellowComet/pages.

This webpage is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license, see here for the license, and Creative Commons for a summary of the license.